
AI Art / Machine Learning / StyleGAN 

2°C is an AI generated artwork imagined through the mind of a machine. Utilising machine learning algorithms trained on thousands of archival images of geometric structures of man made cities and naturally occurring organic corals forms, the AI takes this learned data to visualise an otherwise unseen coral city. With StyleGAN2, a model of prosperous city landscape and a model of healthy colorful coral reef are trained and then mixed and adjusted afterwards in order to get a model of surreal coral-city model. Same for the bleaching-coral-city model.

2°C 是使用機器學習算法生成的一件視覺藝術作品,其中使用了數千個圖像訓練數據,包括具有幾何結構的人建造城市景觀與不同形態類別的有機態珊瑚的圖像。利用StyleGAN2算法,生成“繁榮的人造城市景觀”的模型與“健康的海底珊瑚景觀”的模型,再將二者做融合與調整,繼而得到城市景觀為結構、以珊瑚特徵為細節的新模型,最終生成一個未曾見過的虛幻多彩“珊瑚城市”的城市作品。同理,生成“廢墟城市”的模型與“死亡珊瑚礁”的模型,兩者融為一體合調整後,生成一個“珊瑚廢墟”的景觀作品。

2°C is about coral bleaching, one of the phenomenon mainly caused by rising sea temperature brought about by climate change. To prevent the massive, irreversible impacts of ocean warming on the coral reefs and their services, it is crucial to limit the global average temperature increase to below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. Although we still don’t know if the climate change is human-made or a normal natural phenomenon, the extinction of lives and the connections of creatures are the main topic that is emphasized in this work.


Creative Studio: TheCollective, ALAN